My work centers on the values of culture and community in dialogue with art and storytelling to champion positive change. I was lead impact producer for the documentary The Territory, and the fiction feature How To Blow Up A Pipeline. I am part of Doc Society's Climate Story Fund strategist bench. As an impact producer and strategist I focus on amplifying the knowledge, stories, and lived experiences of peoples and communities nurturing meaningful and enduring relationships. Through my creative endeavors and partnerships with fellow creators, my commitment lies in advancing human development rooted in social justice values, in harmony with all species and the planet. //

Eu trabalho como artista, estrategista e produtora de impacto na interseção entre cultura e justiça social, aproveitando o poder da arte e narrativas para impulsionar mudanças positivas. Liderei a campanha de impacto do documentário The Territory, e do longa-metragem de ficção How To Blow Up A Pipeline. Como produtora de impacto e estrategista, foco em amplificar o conhecimento, as histórias e as vivências de povos e comunidades, nutrindo relações baseadas no cuidado e reciprocidade. Através dos meus esforços criativos e parcerias com outros criadores, meu foco está em promover o desenvolvimento humano baseado em valores de justiça social, em harmonia com todas as espécies e o planeta.

Exhibitions and performances include //
Exposições individuais e performances

New York City Artist Corps - Central Park, New York; Art Connects’ Participatory Art Fair, Fulton Projects - Chelsea, New York; Voids, vacuums and Ghosts, The Yard Columbus Circle, New York; Emotion Blindness: An Art fiction, Sonia Gechtoff Gallery, New York; Ambi valentia, Casamata, Rio de Janeiro. Judson Memorial Church, Ideal Glass, IPCNY, National Academy Museum, Grace Exhibition Space, SVA Flatiron Project Space, AW Asia with IDSVA, SVA Westside Gallery, EAV Parque Lage, Teatro Ipanema with Capacete, Escola de Cinema Darcy Ribeiro.

You can find samples of my work in a variety of social justice related issues below// Abaixo estão exemplos do meu trabalho em diversos temas relacionados com justiça social

Impact campaigns //
Campanhas de impacto

□ Wayfinders Circle film series, Global (2023-24)

□ How To Blow Up a Pipeline, USA (2023)

□ The Territory, Global (2022)

□ Não Bata Eduque, Brasil (2007-09)
□ Jovem em Movimento, Rio de Janeiro (2008-09)
□ Campanha do Desarmamento, Brasil (2004-05)

Curatorial and production //
Projetos de curadoria e produção artística

□ Right Place, Right time: becoming a master printer with Robert Blackburn, exhibition and catalogue (2021)
□ NYC A Arts Festival at Judson Memorial (2015-2019)
□ Kcaraccio Printmaking Collection (2015-present)

Publications, research and reporting //
Publicações, pesquisa e reportagem

Smoke Signal Monitor (2021-2022)

Meet the volunteer brigades and artists fighting forest fires and deforestation in Brazil, 2022

Meet the coalition resisting the global push for land privatization in Brazil, Waging Non Violence, 2021

□ Olinger, M. and Ribeiro, L.C. 2016. The Favela in The City-Commodity: The deconstruction of a social question in Ribeiro, LCQ (ed.), in Urban Transformations in Rio de Janeiro: Development, Segregation and Governance. Springer Publishing Company.
□ Olinger, M. 2016. Woman, black, pansexual and fat: A profile of Driade Aguiar, in Ayala, Alex (ed.), Latino America Se Mueve. Hivos Foundation Latin America.
□ Olinger, M. 2013. The Dissemination of Organized Crime in Brazil in Garzón, Juan Carlos and Olson Eric (eds). The Criminal Diaspora: The spread of Transnational Organized Crime and How to Contain its Expansion. Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington D.C.
□ Ribeiro, LCQ and Olinger, M. 2013. L’urbanizzazione delle favelas: rottura dei confini o legitimazione dello Stato nelle aree di margine, in Magoni, M. Cooperare attraverso l’Atlantico: Analisi, strategie a progetti per la riqualificazione dei margini urbani nei paesi latini europei e americani.
□ Barker, G.; Nascimento, M.; Ricardo, C.; Olinger, M. ; Segundo, M., 2011. Masculinities, social exclusion and prospects for change: Reflections from Promundo's work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In: Andrea Cornwall;Jerker Edströn: Alan Grieg. (Org.). Men and Development: Politicising Masculinities. London: Zed Books.
□ Olinger, M. 2012. The relationship between the Pacifying Police Units, the inhabitants and community organizations in Rio de Janeiro Slums, in Lisovski, Rodrigues and Siqueira (eds.), Comunicações do ISER #67: Unidades de Policia Pacificadora.
□ Olinger, M. 2007. The state of drug policies in Brazil II and III. Viva Rio, Rio de Janeiro.
□ Olinger, M. 2005. Youth Service Programmes as alternatives to youth involvement in urban violence in Brazil . Viva Rio and Innovations in Civic Participation (ICP).
□ United Nations Development Program - UNDP, 2015. Peer-Review of the Methodology of the Citizen Security Programme in Trinidad and Tobago. Published by the United Nations Development Programme, Trinidad and Tobago.
□ Olinger , M. 2011. Assessment of Safety and Security Issues in Slum Upgrading Initiatives: The case of Favela Bairro, Rio de Janeiro in UN Habitat, Building Urban Safety Through Slum Upgrading .
□ Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, Human Rights Secretariat, 2010. The Human Rights of Children and Adolescents - 20 Years of the Children’s Statute Legislation. Brasília, DF.
□ Olinger, M 2009. Youth and the access to the city in Rio the Janeiro . Preparatory report produced for the State of the World's Cities Report of 2010, UNHabitat.
□ Gomes, S.; Olinger, M.; Garcia I. 2009. Consultation with children on humiliating and physical punishment: a story of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Published by Instituto Promundo in collaboration with Bernard Van Leer Foundation and Save the Children Sweden.

Education and training toolkits //



+□ Who profits from Prisons and Jails?, with Center for Urban Pedagogy and Bushwick Leaders High School.
